Moving Home Tips During School Year

by | Jan 7, 2024

Moving home tips during school year

Moving house during the school year can be a challenging experience, especially when you have children. The change in routine and environment can be stressful for both kids and parents, but with proper planning, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. Here are our ten moving home tips to help you move with children during the school year.

Start Planning The House Move During School Term A Few Months In Advance

If can make a clear plan which everyone agrees on this can make all the difference. Start organizing the move as far in advance as possible and create a timeline of important dates and tasks. Call a family meeting and involve the children to offer ideas and to be involved in the planning process.

Decide what you can do yourself and what you will leave to our removal team. Get a house moving quote to know the costs, so you can avoid overspending. You can call us at 0208 0033 260 if you have questions and you need to advise on what to expect before, during, and after your removal day.

For example, you can try to pack the clothes and books and leave the breakables to our skilled packing team. You can also try to declutter as much as possible and get rid of the small items which you don`t need. For bigger items like bookcases or beds, we offer a disposal service.

Inform The School

Let your child’s school know about the move as soon as possible. They may have policies in place for student transfers, and they can help you ensure that your child’s education is not disrupted.

Research and Tour Schools In Your New City or Neighborhood

Moving with children during the school year requires careful research and touring of local schools to ensure a smooth transition. Start by exploring online resources for school ratings, reviews, and academic performance data to narrow down potential options. Scheduling visits to the schools allows you to observe the environment, meet faculty, and ask specific questions about curriculum and extracurricular activities, ensuring the new school aligns with your child’s needs and interests.

Set Up a Support System

Moving is a lot of work, and you may need extra help. Consider reaching out to friends or family members for assistance, or hiring a babysitter for your kids during the move.

Our moving services are flexible and affordable!

Gather Recommendations From The Current Teachers

Gathering recommendations from your child’s current teachers is crucial when moving during the school year. Reach out to them for insights into your child’s academic strengths, areas for improvement, and social interactions. These recommendations can provide valuable context for the new school’s educators, helping them better support your child’s transition and continued growth.

Keep The Same Routine As Normal As Possible

Children thrive on routine, and keeping their routine as normal as possible can help them feel more comfortable during the transition. Try to maintain meal times, bedtimes, and other routines as much as possible.

Give Your Child A Sense Of Control

Giving your children a sense of control during a move can help ease their anxiety and make the transition smoother. Encourage your children to help with the move by involving them in the planning process. Let them help you pack their own belongings, choose their new bedroom, and pick out new toys and decorations. Why not let them choose how to decorate their new room? Give your children the freedom to decorate their new room as they wish. Let them pick out the bedspread, curtains, and other decorations to help them feel at home in their new space.

Another good idea is to allow your children to take control of unpacking their belongings and setting up their new rooms. This will give them a sense of ownership and control in their new environment. Don`t forget to bring familiar comfort items from their old home, such as a favorite blanket or toy, which can help them feel more at home in their new environment.

Giving your children a sense of control during a move can be an important factor in making the transition as smooth as possible. By involving them in the planning and execution of the move, you can help them feel more comfortable and confident in their new home.

Get Them Involved In The New Area

Encourage your child to get involved in their new community as soon as possible. Sign them up for clubs or sports teams, and take them on a tour of their new neighborhood.

Try To Keep Your Child Connected With Their Old Friends

Moving can be especially difficult for children who are leaving behind close friends. Encourage them to stay in touch through phone calls, video chats, and other means. If possible, plan regular visits back to your old neighborhood. This will allow your child to see their old friends in person and maintain those relationships. Before leaving, consider hosting a farewell party for your child’s friends. This will give them a chance to say goodbye in person and create happy memories before the move.

Children’s Emotions When Moving Home During School Year

Moving home during the school year can be an emotionally challenging time for children, as it often involves leaving behind familiar surroundings and friends. They may experience feelings of sadness and loss due to the disruption of established routines and social connections. Anxiety can also be common, stemming from the uncertainty of adapting to a new environment and school. However, it’s not uncommon for children to feel excitement and curiosity about the new experiences and friendships that await in their new home and community. Open communication and support from parents and educators are crucial in helping children navigate and process these complex emotions during the transition.

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